by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: This week we’re doing a special five-part series featuring seven mothers who survived postpartum depression or a related illness and went on to have more children. The series was put together by Amber Koter-Puline, and will feature input...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Today’s guest on Postpartum Progress is Gabrielle Kaufman. Gabrielle is a dance therapist, a postpartum depression support group leader, and one of the California coordinators for Postpartum Support International. -Katherine] Each week I... by Katherine Stone |
I just wanted to share a few things about the event at which I’ll be speaking on February 15th in Boston. This is the Isis Parenting event open to physicians only, entitled “It Takes A Village: Building Connections in Perinatal Care”. First, the...
by Kate Kripke |
The women who I see in my office constantly amaze me. These women work hard. They ask themselves difficult questions and do their best to uncover the answers that resonate most for them. They face their fears head-on. They exemplify a braveness that comes from a...