by Katherine Stone |
Last winter I attended a blogging conference in Nashville called Blissdom. One of the keynote speakers was Brene Brown. I have to admit I hadn’t heard of her, so I had no idea what to expect. Then she opened her mouth and an entire ballroom full of hundreds...
by Katherine Stone |
Today I had to ask for help. I HATE asking for help. I get uncomfortable. I start to sweat. I do everything I can to avoid it. I make excuses. I am overcome with fear. Sometimes I even cry about it. Seriously. I cry like a sobbing, red-faced, squealing baby. I went... by Katherine Stone |
Many of you pass through here without ever saying hello. I understand why. You’re looking for information about postpartum depression but not perhaps ready to speak up. Sometimes I hear from you years later, after you’ve gotten better and had time to...
by Katherine Stone |
I’m very pleased to be a blogger for the Million Moms Challenge. They asked me to write today about one thing I wish every pregnant woman knew. There are many, but the first is that you simply cannot control everything. Here’s what I wrote: The one...