by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Many of you have asked how to be a parent after going through postpartum depression and other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders—how to get over the guilt and how to move on as a mom. Today, Ann Dunnewold, PhD, is our guest author. Ann is... by Katherine Stone |
Hey ladies. Just thought we’d chat. Here’s a cup of coffee. Do you take cream? Sugar? I’m thinking of all of you out there right now. Those of you who are in despair and trying to figure out what the hell is wrong. Those of you who have figured out... by Katherine Stone |
Shelley Burdine-Prevost,a researcher in Tennessee with a clinical specialty in PPD, has asked me to invitemy readersto participate in a survey on postpartum adjustment and variables related to a positive transition to motherhood. She wants to learn what helps some...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Postpartum PTSD is a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder, and is especially common among women who have had traumatic births. I recently heard from Tricia Pil, a former pediatrician and survivor of postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder. She...