by Katherine Stone |
You’re never gonna know what the exact right thing is to do. You just aren’t, whether you are a mom who’s had postpartum depression or not. How much does that suck? Being a parent is tough business, and for those of us with postpartum depression or... by Katherine Stone |
The jury is still out, in my own little opinion, on the effectiveness of "teletherapy" vs. face-to-face therapy. Can someone get as much recovery out of a therapeutic relationship with someone over the phone or via computer as they can with someone right... by Katherine Stone |
Are you suffering from postpartum depression or anxiety or OCD or psychosis right this very minute? Then click on the links below. See how these two Warrior Moms, from I Can Grow People and Medicated in Minnesota,are making it through to the other side and looking... by Katherine Stone |
I wanted to share this interesting exchange that occurred in the Comments section when I wrote this week about two recent, tragic instances of mothers killing their young children and the assumptions people make that every time a mother kills her child the act was...