by Katherine Stone |
Today I got a direct message on Twitter from someone telling me the following: Postpartum Depression is not a disease. It’s a coping strategy. Ok … thanks for the info … I don’t know the therapist who sent me the message. I don’t want to... by Katherine Stone |
One of the people I met at the PSI conference this summer was Gabrielle Kaufman, one of the PSI coordinators for Southern California. One of the thingswe discussed was dance therapy. I had never heard of dance therapy, and was intrigued to find out more about what it... by Katherine Stone
tristeza posparto Nos da gusto saber que desea aprender más sobre la depresión postparto. Es una enfermedad común que afecta a las madres y también a sus familias. Los científicos creen que los cambios en los niveles hormonales durante y después del embarazo pueden... by Katherine Stone |
MedEdPPD is conducting a quick, 2-question survey about a potential university-based study of women of childbearing age who have a history of depression. They would like you to take a few moments to answer the survey (Quick & Easy!), and would additionally request...