by Katherine Stone |
Every time I read another story of a mom dealing with postpartum depression I'm transported back to my own experience and reminded of little details …ways I felt… things I thought … There are times when it reallygives me the major creepy... by Katherine Stone |
As I shared with you earlier this week, new research has found that a blood test may be able to identify postpartum depression in the future. Dr. John Grohol at Psych Central has followed up on that news with some commentary about how a blood test in the future might... by Katherine Stone |
Check out the conversation between moms atStrollerderby about antepartum depression (also called antenatal depression, or depression during pregnancy):... by Katherine Stone |
This afternoon was Small Boy’s fourth birthday party and for much of the afternoon my husband was in charge of the camera which means that in addition to pictures of the party there are, for a change, pictures of me. One of them struck me so strongly that I went back...