by Lauren Hale |
It’s difficult, this life filled with flashbacks and sidebars with a brain dead set on defying you at every turn. Frustratingly so. A life which seems to ebb and flow between complicated and blissfully simple when we think back to the before but get stuck...
by Lauren Hale |
[Editor’s note: This guest post had me giddy from the very first sentence. I too, have always related to Perkins-Gilman’s story, The Yellow Wallpaper, even before I became a mother. After experiencing my own maternal mental health challenges, I discovered... by Lauren Hale |
This post, submitted by a woman who wishes to remain anonymous, is a powerful one. Within her words, she lays bare her soul and expresses a journey many of us know all too well. The theme of her story? Depression lies. And lie it does, fiercely. To us, to those around... by Lauren Hale |
Many of us know that once we start talking about our experiences with a Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder, those around us begin to hear reflections of their own journeys in our words. Sometimes, that may even be a family member such as a sister or a mother. But is...