Katherine Stone: A Letter to New Moms

They say you don't have anything unless you have your health. I have a bad back. Many peoplehave degenerative disc disease when they are elderly, but mine decided to rear its ugly head in my 30s. It started out with a herniated disc that caused so much painI...

PPD News as the New Year Begins …

Lots of news. So much in fact that I'm not sure where to start … Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) has reintroduced the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act (HR 20). Let's hope the 111th Congress can get thisthrough both houses once and for all! The Postpartum Dads...

Guest Author: Sarah Pond of mama2mama

Sarah Pond, co-founder of mama2mama in Canada, was kind enough to share with us her story of postpartum depression. This is a beautifully written story, and a very comprehensive one in which she lists all of her various symptoms. I don’t normally post something...