by Katherine Stone |
Think you are unfairly being denied mental healthcare for postpartum depression or related illnesses by your insurance company? When and how should you appeal a denial of coverage for mental health services? The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare has... by Katherine Stone |
So Liz Gumbinner from Mom-101 decided today should be Thank A Blogger Day. Great idea. I thanked a few people in the comments of her post, and then I thanked a few people on Twitter, and then I realized I'll get put in Twitter Time Out if I try and thank everyone... by Katherine Stone |
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. You may not thinksuicide iscommon, but you'd be wrong. The Suicide Prevention Action Network USA states that suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States, and that nearly 800,000 suicide attempts are made... by Katherine Stone |
Earlier this week, Katherine posted about The Oprah Show’s request for the stories of mothers with PPD. It seemed like a good opportunity to show the world another side of postpartum mood disorders, and I jump at any chance I have to do that. At Oprah’s website, I... by Katherine Stone |
I am now going to take a moment to thank EACH and EVERY person (that I'm aware of, anyway) who spoke up on behalf of women with postpartum depression and spoke out against the AOL News story today, either on Twitter (by retweeting "Hey @aolnews You suck. And...