Are you on Twitter? I am! You can find me at (Just don't forget the r at the end!)

Wanted to share a few of my Twitter policies:

  • If you are a current sufferer of a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder, a survivor, a mental health organization working with women who have perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, or a healthcare provider who treats them and you follow me, I will follow you back.
  • In general, Iwill only retweet your tweets if they are directly related to postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum OCD, postpartum psychosis and the like. If I've already tweeted something similar lately, I probably won't retweet you on that particular topic because I don't like to be too repetitive. If you are writing about what movie you went to yesterday, I definitely won't be retweeting that. (I try to have a fairly singular focus.)So don't get mad at me if I don't always RTyou.
  • I'm not always on Twitter, so sometimesI miss stuff. If I don't RT you and you wrote something about PPD, it's not because I'm ignoring you. It's because I probably didn't see it.
  • Whenever I write about postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, I always use the hashtag #postpartum. You should too!

FYI,if you join the Postpartum Progress Facebook Fan Group, you'll have access to my free Guide to Using Twitter.