Heather Armstrong is one of the most famous bloggers out there today. She writes the blog Dooce, which has won lots and lots of awards. She has just announced that her memoir about experiencing postpartum depression with her first child, called "ItSucked and thenI Cried: How I had a Baby, A Breakdown and a Much Needed Margarita"is coming out March 24th. It already ranks #1 on Amazon in the category of postpartum depression, and it hasn't even come out yet! Her blog posting lists the dates and locations of book signings for the book as well.

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.