postpartum depression trainingI tell moms who have postpartum depression to see specialists whenever possible.  I know this irks some, because a lot of women don’t have access to specialists.  It doesn’t mean I think people who aren’t specialists will not do a good job treating women with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.  It just means that when it comes to ANY illness, I would always attempt to see the person with the most experience who has treated the most patients with whatever that illness is.

I complain all the time that there aren’t enough fellowships in perinatal or reproductive psychiatry.  For those seeking one, here’s your chance:

The University of Massachusetts in Boston is now accepting applicants for its 2012-13 post-graduate certificate program in Infant-Parent Mental Health, which includes training on perinatal mood disorders.  There are just a few spaces left for the program, which starts in January.  Fellows spend 12 intensive, interactive 3-day weekends, meeting every other month over the course of 2-years, learning from world luminaries and local experts in Infant-Parent Mental Health. Download an application here, or for more info contact

Also, Karen Kleiman at the Postpartum Stress Center has several upcoming dates for her 10-Hour Postgraduate training.  Check here for dates and information.

Finally, to keep up with upcoming Postpartum Support International training events, click here.