Here's a link to a good story from the Ann Arbor News about postpartum OCD and postpartum anxiety. Following are highlights from the article by Jo Mathis:

"Postpartum depression has gotten all the press, grant money, and research, and relatively little is known about other mental health conditions in the perinatal period (the weeks before and after pregnancy), according to Michelle Van Etten Lee, training director for cognitive behavioral therapy at the University of Michigan's Psychological Clinic.

Onset of conditions such as OCD is most common during stressful times, said Van Etten Lee. About 30 percent to 40 percent of treatment-seeking women with OCD in their childbearing years date the onset of their disorders to pregnancy or the postpartum, she said.

There is also evidence that hormones play a role in anxiety conditions showing up during pregnancy or postpartum, Van Etten Lee said …

Van Etten Lee said that just as there's not a lot of research on perinatal disorders, there's not much that looks specifically at treatments for anxiety disorders in perinatal women. …

Women whose symptoms are significantly distressing or impairing to them, or for whom anxiety is taking significant amounts of time in their lives, should seek treatment, Van Etten Lee said."