The Toronto Sun had a very interesting story on January 3rd about a woman who gave up her twin babies for adoption while suffering from postpartum depression, and has now attempted to kidnap them a year and a half later.

" … [Allison] Quets was arrested Friday in Ottawa, accused of kidnapping 17-month-olds Tyler Lee and Holly Ann Needham. An FBI warrant had been issued after the children were not returned to their adoptive parents after a scheduled visit in Raleigh, N.C., Christmas Eve.

Quets gave them up for adoption in 2005 shortly after they were born. At the time, she was suffering from severe postpartum depression. She tried to reverse the adoption hours after signing the papers and has been fighting for custody since."

So she kidnaps them and takes them from North Carolina across the border to Canada. I’m in a quandary about this one. I hate that she was allowed by those around her to make such a grave decision as giving up her children for adoption when she wasn’t in the right mind to make such decisions. And I hate that the adoption wasn’t reversed immediately before much harm could be done to anyone involved. But now that they’ve been with their adoptive parents for so long it’s hard for me to imagine them being given back, and she didn’t help matters with the kidnapping although I can understand her desperation. If I somehow didn’t have my kids I would certainly go to great lengths to get them back. This is such a sad story all the way around and another example of the havoc that PPD wreaks.