by Graeme Seabrook |
Yet another study has been published stating that universal depression screening is effective and feasible. This one covered 9000 women and showed that women who were screened in pregnancy were much more likely to get treatment. Once again we see a link between...
by Jenna Hatfield |
During week’s Facebook Live chat with Katherine, we talked about everything from the decision to have another baby to medication during pregnancy to what a mom should do to find care if she doesn’t have insurance. Watch for yourself. Here are all of the...
by Jenna Hatfield |
Last month the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) released a list of “Five More Things Physicians and Patients Should Question” when it comes to OBGYN procedures. It’s an addition to their Choose Wisely campaign which started...
by Jenna Hatfield |
To say I felt depressed during my first pregnancy is an understatement. To say that my depression went untreated is also an understatement. However, considering I presented a number of risk factors for depression during pregnancy, the fact that my depression was...
by Alexandra Rosas |
Seeing someone struggling through postpartum depression and anxiety cracks my heart wide open. I don’t care if I’m a stranger to them or not, I want to take their hands into mine and tell them to trust me. I want them to believe me when I tell them I have... Page 1 of 1112345...10...»Last »