by Jenna Hatfield |
[Editor’s Note: Some parts of this guest post by a brave Warrior Mom may feel triggering for those with difficult birth or intrusive thoughts. It’s important to share stories like this one because they show you CAN get better. -Jenna] I had a uneventful...
by Kylie Abrahams |
Pregnancy is a miracle, they said. You will love your journey, they said. Be grateful, they said. Well I say however magical it can be at times, pregnancy is gross, my friends. That’s right. I’m calling it. There are too many bodily changes to keep up with...
by Kate Kripke |
So many of you have asked about birth plans, your childbirth experience and postpartum depression, that I asked our fabulous Kate Kripke to write about how these things may or may not impact PPD or postpartum PTSD. Oh, the pressure around childbirth! Do we try for a...