Miranda Wicker: On Being the Best Mom

Hey there, Mama. Happy Mother’s Day! If you’re anything like me, you’re caught between wanting today to be a huge celebration of everything you are as a mom and wanting to forget it’s Mother’s Day because part of you just doesn’t...

Cristi Comes: On a Life Preserver for New Moms

Dear New Mom, Does it sometimes feel as though you’re swimming at night in a sea of choppy water? Waves crash all around you as seaweed and other debris crowd your path and grab hold. Some moments may feel like a strong anchor is weighing you down. Like you’re slowly...

Katie Sluiter: On Depression in Retrospect

Dear you, So you found your way to the Postpartum Progress Mother’s Day Rally, huh? Maybe it’s your first time here, maybe (like me) you come back year after year to read the stories. No matter how you got here, you’re probably reading this because either you are...

Kimberly Morand: I Am A Good Mom

“You better hurry it up because you’re going to get wet,” I said to my son. He flashed me a devious grin and grabbed hold of my legs before he ran from under the umbrella and towards the entrance of the school. The other kids were quickly filing in through the double...

Angie Maddison: On Not Letting Yourself Go

Dear new mum (mom, mama, incredible human being who made another human being!), In the week after my best friend gave birth to her first child, she turned to me and said, with no small amount of accusation, “Why didn’t you tell me?” And I heard her. I did. Because...