On Baby Books & Postpartum Depression

A Postpartum Progress reader has asked me to reach out to all of you for some advice about baby books, and I’m happy to do it, so here goes. What do you think? I have been through PPD twice and am pregnant with my third.  I’m trying even harder to prevent...

Stories of Birth Trauma And Postpartum PTSD

A lot of great reading right now related to postpartum depression, birth trauma, postpartum PTSD and more this week, so I wanted to direct you straight to it: Help for a Traumatic Delivery and Postpartum Depression – Over on the Huffington Post, Amy Przeworski...

Unfold: Poems of Postpartum Depression

I’m so happy to welcome Warrior Mom Rachel Barenblat to Postpartum Progress today, sharing her poetry around postpartum depression.  When I look back now, I can’t believe it took me so long to recognize the postpartum depression for what it was. Sure, I...