Mom Needs Your Support

Go visit this mom who is just realizing she's suffering from a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder and give her a virtual Warrior Mom hug. She's ready to reach out for help. Let's encourage her.

Happy 4th Birthday Postpartum Progress!

As July winds down I just want to say Happy Birthday Postpartum Progress! It was four years ago this month that I started this blog with the post "And So It Begins", with no idea Postpartum Progress would grow to become what it has. Thanks SO MUCH to...

You're Not Warrior Chicks Anymore …

I'm switching it up on you a little bit. We're renaming ourselves from Warrior Chicks to Warrior Moms. Not that I don't like being a chick, cause I do. But apparently a California pastor named Holly Wagner is already using that phrase and has written a...