As July winds down I just want to say Happy Birthday Postpartum Progress! It was four years ago this month that I started this blog with the post "And So It Begins", with no idea Postpartum Progress would grow to become what it has.

Thanks SO MUCH to everyone who sends me bits of news, research, new support group listings, event info and more. You are so much a part of creating such a comprehensive site that is always focused on making sure people know everything they need to know about perinatal mood disorders!

Thanks SO MUCH to the recovered Warrior Moms who continue to be involved in this community and send out Postpartum Progress Virtual Hugs to current sufferers. You are very special and much appreciated for taking your bad experience and using it to help others!

Thanks SO MUCH to all the Warrior Moms who have added their photos to the Postpartum Progress Surviving & Thriving Mothers Photo Album. You serve as inspiration and proof that women going through these illnesses CAN get through it and get on with the job of being happy, fulfilled moms!

Thanks SO MUCH to the commenters who share their feelings, whether you agree or disagree with me. Your feedback lets me know that someone out there is reading, and helps keep me on track!

Thanks SO MUCH to the bloggers, website editors and authors who list Postpartum Progress in the resource section of their books and sites. I appreciate you sending new readers my way!

God bless all the women who are going through a perinatal mood disorder right this very minute. I hope you find comfort and support in Postpartum Progress. I try the best I can to answer your questions and help you find support in your local communities. We are all in this together and we believe in you!

I am grateful to all of you because it is you who makes Postpartum Progress a great success.

Love to all,
