Scene: Monday. 3:30pm or thereabouts. Stone Callis residence. Conversation between mom and 8-year-old son with whom she had horrible, raging postpartum OCD and cried every day, and knew he’d never love her, and thought she’d ruined his life and hers forever and ever.
Son: Mom, did you know there’s a dance at school tonight?
Mom: I told you about it a month ago when the flyer came home in your backpack. You said you didn’t want to go to the Valentine’s Dance.
Son: No, you didn’t tell me.
Mom: Yes, I did.
Son: No, you didn’t. You never told me.
Mom: Yes, I did tell you. And you weren’t interested in going.
Son: No.
Mom: OK, but you really did tell me you didn’t want to go. I threw the flyer away.
Son: Well … ummmm … well … uh …
Mom: Yes, sweetie?
Son: Would you like to go to the dance with me tonight?
Mom: (heart melting into puddles of rich caramel goo) Me?! You want to take me to the dance tonight?
Son: (smiling with a smile that looks sheepish and embarrassed and completely adorable) Yes. I want you and me to go to the dance.
Mom: (furiously surfing web to find out when dance starts; 5pm!; OMG it’s almost 4 o’clock!; furiously emailing husband to say GET YOUR ASS HOME!!!! cause my son just asked me out on a date and you need to leave work NOW!!!) Oh sweetie. I would love to go with you to the dance.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, postpartum OCD. You don’t hold anything over me anymore.
LOVE. what a gift!
Awesome! What an adorable date.
That brought tears to my eyes.
Still swooning.
That is the most wonderful gift and gives me so much to look forward to with my 9 month old little man! Love your last sentence!
-fellow fiery red headed warrior mom
Oh and Im loving your top…can you share where you purchased it?
That is a pretty awesome story!! Thanks for sharing that. Love the top too!!!
Crying!! So awesome!!!!
You are absolutely gorgeous!!!
Best post ever!
That is such a wonderful story and a beautiful picture!
Uh oh…I hate crying at work! But that was worth it!
Ohh how adorable are you two! I'm tearing up a little, that is the best survivor story EVER!
Beaming….swooning….aren't our boys wonderful? GREAT picture of you two!
As a two-time survivor and mother of two boys, I LOVED this! Beautiful pic of you two!
Wonderful story Katherine! Thanks for sharing — you are a great mom and fabulous date! 🙂
I am in tears right now. Thank you, Katherine — I am a PPD/PPA survivor, and facilitate a support group for women who are suffering from postpartum mood disorders. I will share this with my group — what a testimony. Thank you 🙂
That is so sweet.
Crying my flipping eyes out. You are one hell of a mom and he is so wonderful to bring you.
I had four bouts of PPD, each worse than the last, the last two so close together they melded. Didn't get help until several months after the birth of my last. I think it wrecked me chemically and it still feels like PTSD – got forced out of my career and divorced at that time as well. The only thing that sustains me is hearing my boys tell me I am the best mommy anyone could have, and my daughter wanting to be like me. Best not to shatter those starry-eyed images, no?
I can't get over how happy you both look. Go you.
Wow, this brought tears to my eyes too. What a wonderful thing your son did! He probably didn't even have a clue about how much an impact this would have on you, or how your sharing it would impact many of us dealing with PPMD's. The leader of my support group sent this out and I am really glad she did!
Thanks for sharing!
I'm trying my hardest not to make typos as I tip-tap through tears.
I remember that seemingly-excruciating pain in my heart when I hoped to be invited to my high school prom (I was, whew!) But that is nothing compared to the hope I have now that my son will someday invite me to his Valentine's Day dance. Way to set the bar high, Katherine!
You're both very lucky to have such sweet and gorgeous dates.
A little boutique in Peachtree City, Georgia.
Isn't it amazing what the love from your children can get you through?
Not me. No invite to the prom. Can you believe that shit?!?!?!?
You're right though. I can get over it now. My little monkey was the best date ever (besides my hubby of course).
this brought tears to my eyes! How sweet!
What a handsome little guy! I am willing to bet that this is your best Valentine's Day ever – it would be mine!!!
i too loved hearing this story. that your son wanted to take you is such a gift. my 10-y-o son is currently in a "mom, i wish you weren't here" state of mind and had until recently been my biggest snuggler. my postpartum depression (and it's accompanying extreme OCD thoughts) was such an unbelievable hole to climb out of; i know that if my son had any idea how close i came to making that wish permanent, he never would have said it. for now i treasure watching him sleep and know my beautiful, loving boy is still there and will again share that with me.
That is the sweetest thing ever and you both look adorable!! Don't you wish you could bottle up those things they say and save them for another day???
I realize that one day they won't think I've hung the moon. I mourn that time in advance. Given my anxious nature I already worry about it. But hopefully the seed will always be there.
Aww bless your heart, that is so awesome!
That is too precious.
I commented on this last year but just had to say, this story never gets old. Happy Love Day Katherine!! It's not about romance anymore. It's about sharing your love openly with everyone and everything that brings joy and tenderness to us each and every day.
Resilient Kids FTW. Take THAT Post partum OCD, indeed! So happy to read this 🙂
Awesome. Pretty looking good.. 🙂
You are so wonderful! WHERE Was all of this good stuff when I had PPD?? Thanks for your fun honesty. I wanna be your friend! 🙂
Reminds me of the first time I had the I love you and I am happy I had you thought four months after he was born….my son spit up on me the next min I sat there covered in spit up crying tears of joy best day ever!!