You may have noticed in recent days that Tom Cruise is back in the news. A Scientology video of him appeared on Youtube in which he discusses his religion and makes reference, once again, to psychiatry. I watched a piece about it on "20/20", and my jaw was on the floor as he talked about how Scientologists are authorities on the mind. From

"I’m going hard on those guys and their reign — these psychiatrists," Cruise said in the interview. "I’ve had it. It’s disgusting to me. … When you study the history of psychiatry, it’s crimes against humanity …

"Being a Scientologist, when you drive past an accident it’s not like anyone else," Cruise said. "As you drive past, you know you have to do something about it because you know you’re the only one that can really help. … We are the authorities on getting people off drugs, we are the authorities on the mind, we are the authorities on improving conditions. … We can rehabilitate criminals."

I’m all for freedom of religion and I’m happy that Tom is so happy. It’s clearly working for him, so Amen! (No pun intended.) As a Christian, my personal belief is that Jesus is the way and the light. But it doesn’t make me an authority on drug abuse, psychiatric illnesses and criminology, nor for that matter brain surgery, teaching 4th graders or nuclear fusion. But for goodness sakes, if you know so much then why haven’t you been out there eradicating all the ills of the world? Where’ve you been exactly? Forgive me, but I haven’t run into many Scientologists in the postpartum depression community working day and night volunteering to help sufferers. From what he says, it would seem that they could be out there saving the world RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE and preventing people from suffering terrible, terrible illnesses.

If I knew how to cure postpartum depression, I’d openly share it with the world immediately. So let’s hear it, Tom. What’s the big secret?

P.S. I no longer attend any of Tom’s movies. I’m holding out until he shares his big secret with us.

P.P.S. If you want to read a highly amusing editorial from the National Post in Canada on Tom Cruise, click here, though I must say I can’t vouch for any of the facts.