Recently I have had several psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists reach out to me about creating a list of providers similar to the list I put together of support groups around the country. I’ve been hesitant to do it for this reason: I haven’t had personal experience with each and every one of them, so how could I endorse them?

A lot of healthcare professionals say they treat postpartum depression, but they’re really just trying to increase their roster of clients, or start up an area of expertise in PPD. My first psychiatrist ensured me he knew plenty about it, and to tell you the truth I don’t think he did. He told my husband I had postpartum psychosis, which he never mentioned to me by the way, even though I clearly had symptoms of PPOCD and not PPP. I feel that the readers of this website trust me, and I would be crushed if I ever recommended a doctor that really didn’t have a lot of experience treating postpartum mood disorders.

So, what I’m considering doing is gathering recommendations only from women who have suffered a postpartum mood disorder and recovered and are willing to heartily endorse someone who they themselves were treated by. Not someone they’ve heard about, but someone they have direct personal experience with. For instance, in my case, there are two doctors in the Atlanta area that have treated me that I fully believe in and trust and would recommend to others — Dr. Denise Shipman in Smyrna and Dr. Jeffery Newport in Atlanta.

Ladies, what do you think?