by Kate Kripke |
So many of you have asked about birth plans, your childbirth experience and postpartum depression, that I asked our fabulous Kate Kripke to write about how these things may or may not impact PPD or postpartum PTSD. Oh, the pressure around childbirth! Do we try for a... by Kate Kripke |
Moms who suffer with postpartum depression and anxiety feel alone. Almost always. They feel misunderstood, unseen, isolated and lost. Moms who suffer with a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder feel, when they sit in my office, like they are in battle all by...
by Kate Kripke |
Postpartum depression may be common, but it’s not normal. Baby blues is common and normal. So what’s the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression? It’s NOT normal for a woman to suffer in new motherhood. It is not normal for her to...
by Kate Kripke |
Too often lately, I have had moms calling my office in desperate need of postpartum depression support ten or 12 months after giving birth to their little ones. This is not at all uncommon, but I have been introduced to an increasing number of these women in the last...
by Kate Kripke |
We have all felt it at one time or another: Guilt. It is a word that you will find everywhere in almost anything that is written to, for, or about motherhood. “Mommy-guilt” they call it. “It is just part of the game,” I have heard people say. Bloggers, journalists,...