by Katherine Stone |
A few fun facts and thank yous on this, our 7th year anniversary: We love our amazing regular contributors: the lovely and talented Kate Kripke, Kimberly, and formerly, Alexis Lesa Top countries visiting Postpartum Progress (because women can suffer PPD no matter...
by Katherine Stone |
It took Google seven years to create Google+, which launched last week to resounding success. Nike, a cat from Aurora, Colorado, who has been missing for seven years after falling from his family’s balcony, was recently found. Ronald Cabler’s Lexus, which...
by Katherine Stone |
I saw a mom with postpartum depress tweet: “Today I am not winning.” I know at Postpartum Progress we use a lot of battle imagery. We have the Warrior Mom. We talk about fighting back, not giving up and “kicking PPD’s ass”. This imagery... by Katherine Stone |
Yesterday it was widely-reported that a new research study found a link between autism and SSRIs taken by mothers during pregnancy. SSRIs, if you don’t know, are certain types of antidepressants, and include such name brands as Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil and Luvox.... by Katherine Stone |
The National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition will hold its latest Maternal Child Health Topics Webinar: “Reducing effects of postpartum depression – provider education and maternal empowerment” on July 13, 2011 from 1:00-2:00pm EST.Therapist and...