by Katherine Stone |
I asked the following question at the Postpartum Progress Facebook Fan Page last week: How many of you, looking back, feel like you suffered longer from postpartum depression than necessary because you were afraid to take medication for your illness? I asked because... by Katherine Stone |
***WARRIOR MOM ALERT*** ***WARRIOR MOM ALERT*** ***WARRIOR MOM ALERT*** ***SERIOUSLY*** Alright, Warrior Moms and friends of Postpartum Progress. We need to do some serious work together. Since this is EVERYONE's blog — mine AND YOURS — I need your...
by Katherine Stone |
Did you know that the first year postpartum has a high divorce rate? I imagine this must be due to the enormous stress and major role transitioning that occurs when a couple has a new baby. For those of us with postpartum depression, the stresses on a marriage grow... by Katherine Stone |
Current Psychiatry reports on clues about whether a postpartum woman has bipolar disorder instead of postpartum depression. This is important, because many of the postpartum depression screening tools do not look for these types of symptoms. These clues include: being... by Katherine Stone |
One evening, I waited impatiently for my husband to come home from work. It was another one of “those” postpartum depression days and I needed to be rescued. Not that my son was being a pain, it was because I was sinking in my own shoes. When he walked in...