by Katherine Stone |
On Thursday, March 31, a special event will be held in Washington DC to honor Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and others for their support of women who have postpartum depression. The event is being hosted by the SPARKS Center, which offers comprehensive services to women...
by Katherine Stone |
I have heard mamas worrying aloud about the money spent on therapy or medication for postpartum depression. One recently told me she always thinks about all the other ways she could be spending or saving that money, and thus feels guilty about spending it on... by Katherine Stone |
When you are in the thick of antenatal or postpartum depression/anxiety/OCD/panic/PTSD (hello, laundry list!), you do whatever you can to get through. Last night on the Twitter #ppdchat, there was a brief discussion of some of the coping mechanisms we use during this... by Katherine Stone |
Okay Warrior Moms, this pregnant mom and postpartum anxiety survivor wants to know whether she should skip treatment for the second time so she can breastfeed her baby. Please share your thoughts via the comment section. My second baby is due to arrive fairly soon... by Katherine Stone |
I got the following email this week from a reader (who agreed to let me share it with you anonymously): "I am 6 months postpartum and just found out today that I have Postpartum Autoimmune Thyroiditis and I am currently hyperthyroid. I don't know how long...