by Katherine Stone |
Based on a Postpartum Progress reader comment yesterday, I want you to know I'm developing a live video chat for PPD/PPA/PPOCD/AND support that I will soon be hosting weekly. Too many of you just don't have local support and still want to talk to someone face... by Katherine Stone |
Do you believe in serendipity? I didn’t think I did, but after tonight I might be changing my mind. As I was trying to come up with a topic for this post, I thought about what helps me the most when my depression is at its worst, when I don’t feel like putting one...
by Katherine Stone |
My job here at Postpartum Progress, the job I happily take up every single day, istell you it’s going to be okay, and to show you that what you are going through is not unlike what lots of other moms with PPD and PPA and PPOCD are going through. You. Are. Going.... by Katherine Stone |
I’m having a hard time focusing today ladies. Spent the weekend in the NC mountains with my children, where the weather was just lovely. Now I’m trying to catch up on email and Twitter. Two great things I want to point out to you today: The first is an... by Katherine Stone |
The media love a good story about discovering the cause of or cure for postpartum depression. The minute any study comes out saying "Eureka! We think we've found it!" you can guarantee that it will spread across the internet like wildfire. This week is...