by Katherine Stone |
So I guess I'm not the only one covering post-adoption depression this month. There's also that Oprah lady … 😉 Birdie Meyer, president of Postpartum Support International, just gave me the heads up on a story on post-adoption depression in the December... by Katherine Stone |
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Research shows that adoptive mothers are as likely to suffer depression as birth mothers. It’s called post-adoption depression, or post adoption depression syndrome.I have invitedElizabeth Elias, RN ,to share... by Katherine Stone |
The Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians (MAPP)has developeda Postpartum Depression Projectin recognition of the fact that postpartum depression is under-diagnosed and under-treated and can have long-term adverseeffects on women and children.MAPP received a... by Katherine Stone |
Brooke Shields recently received an advocacy award from the Hope for Depression Research Foundation in Manhattan. At the event, she spoke about her experience with postpartum depression and about the stigma of mental illness. People magazine covered the event here. Of... by Katherine Stone |
Today is Fight For Preemies Day, hosted by the March of Dimes.More than 400bloggers across the country are writing about prematurity, and how important it is for babies to make it full term before they are born. Why is preterm birth a problem? Because it can lead to...