by Katherine Stone |
After I wrote last week about my opinion that women with postpartum depression should try to seek out a specialist for treatment, I heard from a family physician in a major metropolitan city who told me that her patients now need to wait 5 months to get in to see any... by Katherine Stone |
It's Postnatal Depression Week down under in Australia. (For the uninitiated, postnatal depression isthe "Queen's English" termfor postpartum depression.) Beyondblue, the national depression initiative in Australia, conducted a survey to find outwhat... by Katherine Stone |
Massachusetts General Hospital's Center for Women's MentalHealthis conducting two clinical trials that may be of interest: Bipolar Disorder in Pregnancy: If you are pregnant and diagnosed with bipolar disorder (or manic depression), you may be eligible for...
by Katherine Stone |
Perhaps you’ve seen a list of symptoms on other health websites, but I doubt you’ve seen one like this. We’re going to talk about the signs of postpartum depression and anxiety, but in “plain mama English”. We won’t use words like... by Katherine Stone |
This week at the Beyond Blue blog, Therese Borchard tackles the topic of treatment-resistant depression. According to the Mayo Clinic … "With treatment-resistant depression, symptoms — such as feeling sad, hopeless and disinterested in activities — persist...