I just got back from BlogHer, the largest blogging conference in the world, attended by approximately 800 women bloggers (and a few men). Anyway, it was FANTASTIC and it gave me so many ideas about how to improve Postpartum Progress and make it even easier to use and more helpful. I also hope to work with some of the people I met to help get more information out to women around the world on postpartum mood disorders. Just a few of the many interesting people I got to talk with about PPMDs include the manager of online strategy and programs for Planned Parenthood, the women who are launching themotherhood.com, the depression writer for Beliefnet.com, the people at Revolution Health, a blogger for Yahoo!, the editor for Urban Baby, and the president of the National Organization for Women. There is so much great work to be done, so keep tuning in so that I can let you know what progress is made.