On Tornado Warnings & Anxiety

The wind was howling. The sky looked a murky shade of green. I saw the patio umbrella blow past the back door. I've been here before. It's tornado season in Atlanta. The house in which I live has no basement, and, I realized this week, no interior rooms...

When You Have PPD, Time Is A Bitch

Time. One year is 7 years for a dog, right? It's the opposite for women with postpartum depression. More like one year is 3 months for someone with PPD. Maybe less. Just ask Allison from O My Family about the time it takes to recover from PPD. It's been a year...

Postpartum Depression Will NOT Defeat You

Pictures say a lot don't they? If you're suffering from postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety right now or depression or anxiety during pregnancy, or another related illness, I want you to look closely at the picture below. That is me on vacation just a...