by Lauren Hale |
Before I experienced Postpartum Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and depression, I will admit my self-care during my adult life was nearly non-existent. I still had interests, hobbies, things I loved to do, but I didn’t put any of it into practice on a regular...
by Becky Schroeder |
I was one of the lucky mothers who was screened for postpartum depression after the birth of my child. My daughter’s pediatrician administered the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale to me at my daughter’s first few check-ups. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until about six...
by Jennifer Marshall |
I recently was introduced to a Labor & Delivery nurse who is making a huge impact on the state of perinatal mental health care pathways. I could feel the passion come through in her voice as we spoke a few weeks ago on the phone for nearly two hours about what she...
by Robin Farr |
A guest post by Kristin Shaw When I was going through a divorce in 2004, I was sad, hurt, angry, and I cried a lot. A whole lot. I prayed to make the pain stop, and I would call my mother sobbing. “I can’t take this, Mom,” I would say. I’m sure her heart was breaking...
by Alexandra Rosas |
One of the most difficult aspects to my postpartum depression and anxiety were the negative comments. When someone would ask me how I could be so sad when I had a beautiful baby, my spirits would sink. My guilt would compound and I would berate myself. But the thing... by Susan Petcher |
Sex after baby. We all know the cliche about its nonexistance – after all, the sleepless nights, the leaky breasts, and the lack of personal space that accompany a newborn aren’t exactly aphrodisiacs. But sex after postpartum depression? Is a uniquely...