by Katherine Stone |
And now day three of our special postpartum depression survivor series on having more children … Amber: Let’s talk about our families today. What was the birth order of your “postpartum depression baby”? For me, I was a first-time mom so I had no idea what to...
by Kate Kripke |
You are struggling—really struggling—and all you want (besides symptom relief) is for your partner to get it; for him to truly empathize, for him take you in his arms and just be there with you during postpartum depression. For there to be a gaze of... by Katherine Stone |
One evening, I waited impatiently for my husband to come home from work. It was another one of “those” postpartum depression days and I needed to be rescued. Not that my son was being a pain, it was because I was sinking in my own shoes. When he walked in...
by Kate Kripke |
While we know that the first year after having a baby is statistically the most difficult for marriages and partnerships, we certainly cannot say that every woman who is struggling with postpartum depression or a related illness will also be in a marriage or... by Katherine Stone |
I know a big issue for many of you is how to communicate what you are going through with your partners/husbands and to get them on board in supporting your recovery fully. I have written about this in the past. (like here, for instance: A Husband’s Perspective... by Katherine Stone |
We don’t have as much opportunity to hear from dads as we do from moms suffering from postpartum depression. We don’t often get an inside look on how dads view PPD, what it feels like for them and what they think is happening to their wives. Today, though,... Page 3 of 9«12345...»Last »