So Much PPD Work, So Little Time

This week has been SO busy. My inbox is packed and I’m completely swamped. I’ve talked to a new mom in Maryland having intrusive thoughts, a dad in Kansas City whose wife just had a baby and it seems like PPD may be coming on for the second time, a woman...

Clinton Signs on as Co-Sponsor of MOTHERS Act

I am happy to say that Senator Hillary Clinton has finally signed on to endorse the MOTHERS Act. She joins Senator Barack Obama, who is also a co-sponsor. The markup of the bill, which was supposed to happen on Feb. 14th, was delayed and will now happen this Wed. the...

He's BAAAAACK!: Tom Cruise & Psychiatry

You may have noticed in recent days that Tom Cruise is back in the news. A Scientology video of him appeared on Youtube in which he discusses his religion and makes reference, once again, to psychiatry. I watched a piece about it on "20/20", and my jaw was...