by Katherine Stone |
I will be in San Diego for the BlogHer conference August 5 and 6. If you're not going to BlogHer because you are not a blogger, that would make a whole lot of sense. If you're not going to BlogHer because you can't afford the registration fee, I have a tip... by Katherine Stone |
Want to share with you some great stories out this week on postpartum depression and related issues: The first is from my friend Rita Arens at BlogHer. She wrote an in-depth piece about eating disorders, postpartum depression, and the relation between the two. The... by Katherine Stone |
A few fun facts and thank yous on this, our 7th year anniversary: We love our amazing regular contributors: the lovely and talented Kate Kripke, Kimberly, and formerly, Alexis Lesa Top countries visiting Postpartum Progress (because women can suffer PPD no matter...
by Katherine Stone |
It took Google seven years to create Google+, which launched last week to resounding success. Nike, a cat from Aurora, Colorado, who has been missing for seven years after falling from his family’s balcony, was recently found. Ronald Cabler’s Lexus, which...
by Katherine Stone |
I saw a mom with postpartum depress tweet: “Today I am not winning.” I know at Postpartum Progress we use a lot of battle imagery. We have the Warrior Mom. We talk about fighting back, not giving up and “kicking PPD’s ass”. This imagery...
by Kate Kripke |
Moms know best what they need to get well and to feel like themselves again after postpartum depression. And, I don’t actually mean moms in general, but each one of you. Individually. When it comes to what you need to feel well: You. Know. Best. You know better what...