by Katherine Stone |
Monday I read this post from Lexy at Mammywoo about not bonding with your child right away when you have postpartum depression and just loved it. LOVED. IT. I’m thrilled she granted me permission to reprint it here for all of you, as I KNOW you will relate. So... by Katherine Stone |
There's been a lot of research coming down the pike lately. Can't tell you that any of it means anything significant to you who are suffering at this very moment. But offering it up for the researchey peeps among you … Link between oxytocin and... by Katherine Stone |
Several of you have mentioned your postpartum depression or anxiety getting worse when you return to having periods after your baby is born. You wonder whether this is an indication that you aren't really getting better at all. If, like me, you are someone who had... by Katherine Stone |
The Tree of Hope Foundation will be hosting its Tree of Hope Walk/Family Fun Day on June 4th from 10am to 3pm to raise money for its work supporting women with PPD in the Detroit area. The event will be at Halmich Park in Warren, Michigan. For information, call... by Katherine Stone |
Dishing up some courage with a side of honesty for the Warrior Moms of the Week … Mammywoo on PPD and everybody's fave song from Annie … The Sun'll Come Out Tooooomorowwwww! Amanda writes a guest post on Scary Mommy about postpartum depression and...
by Katherine Stone |
There is probably no question I am asked more often by moms than, “How long does postpartum depression last?” “How long will I have postpartum anxiety?” Suffering moms are seeking the exact date when the box will be delivered to their door with...