by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: I’m so happy to have Annie from PhD in Parenting back for part two of her piece on breastfeeding and sleep management during postpartum depression. (If you missed it, here’s part one.) -Katherine] Things You Can Do to Help Protect...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear new mom, First things first: Know that depression after weaning is a real thing. I didn’t realize this. Many people don’t, although there is starting to be more information out there about it. All I knew about was regular postpartum depression, and I braced...
by Katherine Stone |
The MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health analyzes a recent study of 42,000 women in Norway and how their anxiety or depression affected their breastfeeding, as well as how quitting breastfeeding affected their depression or anxiety. In the past there...
by Katherine Stone |
For some women with postpartum depression or anxiety — not all, thankfully, just some — breastfeeding doesn’t end up being the best choice. I quit, because I had to save my sanity. Many others with PPD, of course, don’t quit. Postpartum...
by Kate Kripke |
I have recently had a number of moms come to my practice because of sudden symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety at the time of weaning from breastfeeding. Some of these moms have chosen to wean, some are weaning because of milk supply, illness, or pain that...
by Katherine Stone |
I’m very pleased to welcome my buddy Angela England of Untrained Housewife to Postpartum Progress today to talk about struggling with depression after weaning … a weaning that she wasn’t ready for and didn’t expect. Six months after her birth,...