by Katherine Stone |
In the past I've invited a person or two to become a regular contributor here at PP, but so many are already so busy with their own websites and jobs and children and whatnot, which I totally understand. I figured Postpartum Progress would someday grow beyond just... by Katherine Stone |
We've talked quite a few times about breastfeeding here, only because it's such aBIGHONKINGMAJOR issue for those of us who suffer from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Do I breastfeed or don't I? How will the baby be affected by the medication if I...
by Katherine Stone |
Some fellow Warrior Moms have been exploring two topics recently that are very top of mind for women who have perinatal mood and anxiety disorders: breastfeeding and the issue of whether to have another child after postpartum depression. Alexis Lesa at... by Katherine Stone |
The Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Women's Mental Health has done two stories recently that will be helpful for breastfeeding moms on medication, particularly those with bipolar disorder. Check them out: What's Safer for Breastfeeding? Lithium or... by Katherine Stone |
MedPage Today reports on a small study that found "women taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants may experience delays in postpartum breast milk production …" Delayed in this instance means more than 72 hours postpartum....
by Katherine Stone |
Catherine Connors at the blog Her Bad Mother has taken up the big honkin’ subject of breastfeeding with a wonderful new post called “Shame & the Mom: A Boob Story”. I know what a HUGE issue breastfeeding and postpartum depression is for... Page 6 of 7« First«...34567»