Thank Mom & Dad Stone for the New Look

Just a quick shout out to my mom and dad for my awesome 40th birthday present. They gave me the money to make these new changes to Postpartum Progress. Didn't want to let things pass by without giving them much gratitude for the new nav bar and the new URL address...

Check Out the New Postpartum Progress!

Very exciting and nerve-wracking. First we get our own URL: And now we have our very own nav bar. Thanks to Dawn at Sweet Blog Design I'm hoping the navigation bar and drop-down tabs at the top of Postpartum Progress make it easier for...

The Week Recommends Postpartum Progress

Two readers,Andrea and Teresa,were kind enough to inform me that Postpartum Progress was listed among three top resources for women with postpartum depression in the news magazine The Week. I went out and got a copy at Barnes & Noble, and sure enough, there it...


Guess what we've got now? Our very own URL. No more typing in that pesky long address with the strange "typepad" word in it (, if you want. We are now at Or you can still type in the old...