by Katherine Stone |
I've decided to create a new resource for Postpartum Progress. I want to create a list of centers across the U.S. that specifically specialize in researching and treating women's perinatal mood disorders. I want a list of places where women can go and be... by Katherine Stone |
I posted this the other day, but because of a glitch none of my subscribers got it. So I’m posting it again because I think it’s important. Profoundly Alone: The Disconnection of Postpartum Depression When you suffer from a postpartum mood disorder, you...
by Katherine Stone |
When you suffer from a postpartum mood or anxiety disorder like postpartum depression, you walk around in a haze while trying to seem as normal as possible. You try to make yourself feel as connected as you can to your child and those around you. Perhaps your dearest... by Katherine Stone |
From the Ft. Wayne (IN) News-Sentinel: “Something’s Not right” is … the theme of a statewide postpartum depression awareness campaign that starts Thursday [in Indiana] … The phrase “Something’s Not Right” will be seen in Fort Wayne bus huts, on signs... by Katherine Stone |
Happy New Year to all of you fabulous moms and PPD advocates out there! I hope you had a good holiday. This year it is my goal to widen my work as an advocate for postpartum depression. I hope to generate even more readership for Postpartum Progress, the most widely... by Katherine Stone |
I'm sure you've all heard by now and all I can say is "Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!!!!!!!!" The new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association about postpartum mood disorders confirms what so many of us have believed for so long.... Page 17 of 19« First«...510...1516171819»