Back From BlogHer '07 With Great News

I just got back from BlogHer, the largest blogging conference in the world, attended by approximately 800 women bloggers (and a few men). Anyway, it was FANTASTIC and it gave me so many ideas about how to improve Postpartum Progress and make it even easier to use and...

To Georgia PPMD Survivors & Practitioners

Calling ALL women in Georgia who have survived a postpartum mood disorder, including postpartum psychosis, postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum OCD!!!! (Or if you’re a Georgia practitioner who treats a lot of these women.) Please email me at...

A Roundup of Major Stories & PPMD News

You should see my inbox these days! I can't keep up! There is a LOT going on. This is a link to a good article that just came out of the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association this week. No real new news, but it's nice to see the recognition of...