Love & Hip Hop: PPD in the ATL

Love & Hip Hop: PPD in the ATL

Love & Hip Hop: ATL is one of the highest cable rated shows on right now. In a recent episode, one of the cast members, Kalenna, openly discussed her recent diagnosis of postpartum depression. During the episode, we go to a therapy appointment with both Kalenna...
I’m Not Sorry

I’m Not Sorry

As I was sitting in a hospital room with my very pregnant, sick, and dehydrated sister-in-law, I realized I had a bunch of awesome Postpartum Progress Hug Cards in my purse. So, while the nurse was changing out her fluids, I announced I was “going to work.” When I...
Finding Your Circles

Finding Your Circles

During the Warrior Mom Conference last week in Boston, we did an exercise where the brilliant Kate Kripke, LCSW, asked us to draw a target. In the bullseye, we were to write the people that we could call that would be there in an instant, whether by phone, physical...
You Are Never Alone

You Are Never Alone

When I first became depressed and anxious after my oldest daughter was born four years ago, I kept it bottled up inside – but its devastating effects on me were all too visible anyway. I wasn’t eating, couldn’t sleep, was mute and crying at the smallest...
Homestead Warriors Giveaway (Closed)

Homestead Warriors Giveaway (Closed)

Helloooooo, lovely ladies! We haven’t forgotten you! Hopefully, by now, some of you who signed up for postcard love from the Warrior Mom Conference have received notes of hope, tinged with a bit of Boston magic, from our attendees. I want you to know that all...