Warrior Mom LogoThere’s something very exciting that I’ve been meaning to tell all of you about — well, a lot of things, actually, but I can only tell you about this one for today — but I’ve been so busy working offline for Postpartum Progress that I hadn’t gotten to it yet.

You may have noticed that this week’s posts here on Postpartum Progress were written by Warrior Mom Jen Gaskell. Jen is part of the brand-spanking new, amazingly talented Warrior Mom Leadership Team. The WMLT features a group of survivors and bloggers who have been dedicated over the years to raising awareness of postpartum depression and all other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. They will be blogging all year long on Postpartum Progress, sharing their wisdom and experience. I am beyond thrilled that each and every one of them said yes, because you can’t find a better group of peer advocates.  I’m sure many of you already read their blogs and follow them on Twitter, and if you don’t you should.

It has taken me nearly ten years to create an editorial team here at Postpartum Progress, mainly because this is my baby and because I knew it had to be a group of women that would bring the utmost in quality, care, trustworthiness and authenticity to this space.  Women who have shown dedication to helping other pregnant and new moms struggling with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Women who have been through this and come out on the other side. Oh and, of course, women that know how to write. I’ve found them.

So … [insert drumroll here] … announcing the Warrior Mom Leadership Team (in alphabetical order):

Jenni Chiu  MommyNaniBooBoo

Cristi Comes  Motherhood Unadorned

Esther Dale  Through The Tunnel

Robin Farr   Farewell Stranger

Jen Gaskell   Tranquila Mama

Christina Gleason    Well In This House

Lauren Hale  My Postpartum Voice

Jaime Harker    James And Jax 

Lindsay Maloan With A Little Love and Luck

Jennifer Marshall Bipolar Mom Life

A’Driane Nieves   Butterfly Confessions

Susan Petcher   Learned Happiness

Alexandra Rosas   Good Day Regular People

Diana Stone   Diana Wrote

Anne Marie Tonyan Lindsay  Do Not Faint

Miranda Wicker   Finding Walden

We may be adding a few more to the team, but for now I hope you’ll welcome them all and keep an eye out for their amazing words. And, I’d add, as always, we have the amazing Kate Kripke, LCSW, who continually shares her wisdom as someone who treats moms with our illnesses. Her posts continue to be some of the most popular ones on this site.

So, get set for even more great stories and content from Postpartum Progress!!