A new book entitled"Therapy and the Postpartum Woman: Notes on Healing Postpartum Depression for Clinicians and the Women Who Seek Their Help"(Routledge) will be available in September 2008 (or for pre-order now either through Routledge or Amazon.) It will be a valuable resource for clinicians specializing in the treatment of PPD and as well as women who are in therapy or contemplating entering therapy for support. The book was written by Karen Kleiman, author of "This Isn’t What I Expected: Recognizing & Recovering from Depression & Anxiety After Childbirth" and "What Am I Thinking? Having A Baby After Postpartum Depression".

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.