There has been some discussion about whether Britney Spears is suffering from some form of postpartum depression. It certainly doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility, given the number of stressors in her life (divorce, paparazzi, two children under the age of 2, growing up in public). She is only 5 months postpartum. I really feel for her and I hope she gets the support she needs and that people BACK OFF and stop making fun of her. It's not funny when you're going through some sort of breakdown as we all know — imagine how much worse it would be to have it drawn out in public. Here's a link to a piece from the Chicago Tribune website:

It amazes me how free people feel to laugh at mental illness. There has been so much collective giggling about the female astronaut Lisa Nowak (who drove across the country in diapers to confront another woman), about Anna Nicole Smith (who seems to have relied on prescription drugs to get through her days), about Britney (who has just shaved her head) … millions tune in gleefully to watch people who are clearly troubled get made fun of on "American Idol". There's nothing funny about it. Everyone has the potential to suffer from a bout of depression or some other illness, and some people fight against it their entire lives. Most get help and live regular lives like the rest of us.

Could we please stop having a laugh fest at the expense of people who are clearly suffering? It's just. not. funny.