Minnesota is hosting its 5th Beyond the Baby Blues conference on June 22nd. There is still time to register to attend this one-day conference in St. Paul entitled “Motherhood, Mood Disorders and Anxiety: Before, During and After Pregnancy”. For more information you can visit www.namihelps.org or call 615-645-2948. You can find the full brochure, with the agenda and speakers, here.

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.