by Jen Gaskell |
As a Warrior Mama who is in recovery, I receive emails from fellow mamas who are struggling with postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. The letters are unique to each mama, but the theme remains the same. How do I get rid of my intrusive thoughts? Do they... by Esther Dale |
Every Monday, Lauren Hale (@unxpctdblessing on twitter) of the blog My Postpartum Voice hosts a moderated twitter chat: #PPDChat[1]. #PPDChat is an excellent resource and sees some wonderful discussions that are doing a lot to increase education and awareness about...
by Katherine Stone |
Today I’m happy to welcome Warrior Mom Becky Schroeder, who describes the lasting impact her daughter’s colic had on her mental health. “She doesn’t like to be passed around.” These words sounded muffled to me as I lay in my hospital bed recovering from...
by Katherine Stone |
Today I’m happy to welcome Warrior Mom Maggi B., who shares not only how postpartum anxiety wrecked her body and mind but also the 6 things that saved her. When my daughter was born nearly two years ago, I knew right away that something wasn’t quite right. Not...