by ADriane Nieves |
When the pregnancy test flashed a positive sign nearly a year ago, I was elated, shocked, and terrified. It was completely unexpected; we weren’t planning on trying to add to our family for at least another year. Nevertheless, my heart soared with the thought of...
by Katherine Stone |
Continuing with our series on having postpartum depression after multiples, today we welcome Warrior Mom Ashley, who describes her terrible postpartum anxiety and OCD after having twins. Even though I’ve never had multiples, I relate so closely to her story...
by Katherine Stone |
Please welcome Lisa Bicknell Madden for the final part of her series on dealing with postpartum depression as a mom of multiples … When my triplets were 18 months old I found out I was pregnant again. I was actually three months pregnant and didn’t know. I...
by Katherine Stone |
Lisa Madden has been through a pretty traumatic pregnancy and is now the mom of multiples – triplets. In part 2 of her story, she shares how her postpartum depression and anxiety unfolded. Here’s part 1 if you missed it. The next five weeks were a blur of...