by Katherine Stone |
Earlier this month I shared with you some of the hopes and dreams of members of the Postpartum Progress Warrior Mom Battalion. Since then, I’ve heard from more Warrior Moms, so I wanted to share their words with you as well: “My dream is that OBs,... by Katherine Stone |
It’s easy to believe you’re stupid. Dense. I mean, how could you possibly not know you have PPD or anxiety right? Well, you’re not stupid at all. Not dense. Not even unusual. So many moms have no idea what’s wrong with them, and no idea that...
by Miranda Wicker |
My father passed away in August. As I waited for news about his arrangements, I felt the pangs of anxiety building. Knowing that I have a history of anxiety, I called the only doctor I’ve seen in 2 years–my obstetrician. I explained to the receptionist...
by Katherine Stone |
There’s something very exciting that I’ve been meaning to tell all of you about — well, a lot of things, actually, but I can only tell you about this one for today — but I’ve been so busy working offline for Postpartum Progress that I...